Testo italiano? Clicca qui | Riviera Ligure di Ponente, september 18th, 1999
This site offers to the world the unique quality of taggiasca olive and its products.
The huge quantity of informations we are collecting and organizing makes this site, for its completeness, a reference point for everything about taggiasca olive, addressing to:
- growers, with pages about coltural techniques, pruning, irrigation, etc.
- millers, with pages about chemical and physical properties of the oil
- consumers, with pages about storing and using olive oil
- press, to help them to find quickly all needed informations to write well-supported documents
Another scope is to offer to every little grower the opportunity to sell his oil through the worldwide Internet market, with an aggregating function to avoid the dispersion in many little unorganized sites, difficult to find, while assuring in the same time to the consumer a quality product.
We are doing a hard job merging, translating and layering all the material we have: so, to avoid "on construction" pages, the entire site will be on-line for the official presentation.
To see what we are doing you can read the site map.
Who need to place a link to taggiasca.com on his site can grab an official taggiasca.com banner.
Official presentation to people and press will be in
sala San Domenico
friday, 10/29/1999
9.00 p.m.