taggiasca.com ![]() ![]() Been born to S.Agata (Imperia) 13 January 1921, it lives to Oneglia. Already university professor of Italian and history in the technical institutes, hour in pension. Published works: Something of the Resistance, Waiting for April, pruverbi of nosci paisi, the gone Times of Liguria, To noscia tera (jobs, traditions, fables of from Liguria placing) that it will exit in the month of October 99. All the books are published from Dominici - Imperia In this page one selection from the volume " the pruverbi of nosci paìsi ", aphorisms, idiomatiche phrases of from Liguria placing commented from Attilio Apple. (to see the glossario for pronounces it of sayings in dialetto) ![]() To lia to it is sutta (" lia " it is on the bottom) A phenomenon that we can observe in our " Gumbètti " of our countries. While the good oil of the spremitura that fuoriesce from the fiscoli (" the spurtin ") remains to galla, the water of vegetation (" to lia ") for the difference of the specific weight, goes to depositarsi on the bottom of the container. Sooner or later the values are distinguished from the pseudovalues, the gold from the orpello. ![]() To the öriu (to the oil) As an oil layer marks the full load of the fiasco of wine, therefore it says that she is to the oil who, having raised too much the elbow, has made also he the full load. ![]() Anâ of grass, anâ de merda (Vintage year of grass, vintage year of merda) An expression that does not have need of many comments. The too much grass, " stealing " the concime to the plants, ne damages the harvest (the reference is to the ulivo). ![]() To nu it it is the na bona anâ, if the uriva to nu it is three vote arapâ (it is not a good vintage year if the olive is not three times raggrinzita) The proverbio its validity had one a time, when our old ones could considerarsi a.ragione vintage year-employee. On the vintage year the life of the family and the entire community of the same country depended. The peasant had to follow with extreme attention (and apprehension) along " curriculum " delll' the olive, from the " pana " (the mignola) to the frantoio. He was enough one tramontana traditrice, one hailstorm, one night of ices in order to destroy to dreams and hopes. Hour, thanks to God, it is not itself enslaved of the vintage year like a time! ![]() To pignatta in cumün to nu buie never to témpu (the common pot in not bubbles never at the opportune moment) Rispecchia a particolatità of our culture, species peasant, that it demonstrates from always a sure skepticism in the comparisons of the cooperation, which had without doubt to the character of people, traditionally closed, to times also a pochino gretto. ![]() To Saint Fransescu, öriu frescu (To Saint FRancesco - 4 October - fresh oil) The oil has always had a determining role for the nostrana economy. In ours proverbi and the ways to say, oil is a much recurrent term, and it could not various be. To the fair of Saint Francisco, to Porto Maurizio, our old ones are said bartered the first oil with the first chestnuts, that they arrive from the valleys. ![]() To Sant' Anna, the aigâ to it it is manna (To Sant' Anna, - 26 January - the water is manna) Ours are indeed many proverbi peasants who make reference to the water and the rain. The water always has been a precious and too much insufficient element too much for the our siccitoso territory therefore. ![]() Who vö vè and urive, u vagghe ae fighe (Who wants to see the olives, if there is the vintage year, she goes to september to the season of the fichi) For a good vintage year, in fact, a good closing of mignole (" pâne "is not sufficient) neither to estimate the fruit at the moment of the allegagione, when that is it is passed from the mignola to the fruit; and guarantees of a good harvest, if ne they do not have not even to september, many are the imponderabilità data: siccità ices, hail etc, the harvest always is hung to a wire. It used to say a my old friend " and urive it sleeps de föra! " (the olives dormon outside). ![]() And pâna de mazzu, to if ne it goes in frazzu (mignola of May if ne it goes in frondame, refuse) " Frazzu " is properly the morchia, the refuse of the working of the oil. The atmospheric conditions make to fall the " pâne ". The allegagione is always one delicate phase. ![]() öriu Bon u vèn to galla (the good oil comes to galla) With the process of decantazione, which had to the difference of the specific weight of the two elements, the good oil comes to galla and the quot;lia ", the vegetation water, goes under, as it recites an other proverbio previously brought back. Enough to give time to the time, why it is alone issue of time. The meant one of this proverbio, is much similar one to that one of " to lia to goes sutta " to which the kind reader sends back itself. ![]() Sciasceline, storpiatura of " " sasseline ", Sassello, in province of Savona. The far times, were here that they came the raccoglitrici of olives in the months of the collection (November-March). From first of the century, such labor comes better (, came) from Garessio and outskirtses. The " particular ", the owners, offered they, beyond that a modest wage, vitto and lodging in exchange for several performances, also of " domestic collaborators ", we would say today, in the days of rain. Little did not find you husband, becoming to they time landladies. The nostrane girls ne were a.ragione of do not shave gelose. To justify such jealousy, here an saying garessino: " and sciasceline, the part pulle and the river gaine! " To good intenditor... ![]() Se e urive i rènde, u viàn u spende (Se le olive rendono, il villano spende) "Vilan", qui non ha senso dispregiativo. È un detto onegliese: anche i locali commercianti erano interessati ad una buona annata, i benefici sarebbero stati anche per loro. ![]() Uriva benedetta, ca bruxia verda e secca (Oliva benedetta che brucia verde e secca) Un riconoscimento e un elogio per le qualità combustibili del legno di ulivo, sia del fusto che del ceppo interrato, che sono davvero eccezionali. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() copyright © 1999 - 2000 by It-Web Information Technology - all rights reserved |