taggiasca places:
Diano San Pietro



Diano San Pietro The church, entitled to Saint Peter Apostle, seem built on remains of a Roman temple devoted to goddess Diana.
The oldest structure yet partly existing is the baptistery (V cent.), while the bell-tower, in romanic-provençal style, date back to the XII cent.
In the course of the time the edifice was modernized, just at the building of the baroque façade, completed in 1772, and other minor works during XIX cent.
In 1564 samperotti, fearing a Moresque attack, built an high fencing wall (down in the photo) to take refuge on the parvis, but they are luckily spared.

Other architectural prominencies in Diano San Pietro:
  • Diano San Pietro - Main town:
    • Parish church of Saint Peter Apostle - c. XII - XVII/XVIII
    • Baptistery - c. V - X
    • Oratory of the Holy Cross (Santa Croce) - c. XVI
    • Bridge (remains)
    • Oil-press Ardoini
    • Dove-cots (colombere)

  • hamlet of Moltedo:
    Church of Saint Pantaleone - c. XVII, bell tower 1837/39
  • Piani di Besta:
    Oratory of Saint Matteo - c. XVII (remains)
  • Hamlet Colla or Bonaveri:
    Church of Our Lady of the Snow (Nostra Signora della Neve) - c. XVII (Sanctuary by 1991)
  • Hamlet Ughi:
    Oratory of Saint Ugo or Ugone - c. XVIII
  • Hamlet Borganzo:
    • Parish church of the Nativity of Holy Mary (Natività di Maria SS.ma) - c. XVII/second half c. XIX
    • Oratory of the Holy Cross (Santa Croce) - c. XVIII
    • Oratory of Saint John the Baptist (San Giovanni Battista) - c. XIII/XIX
    • Bridge - 1904 and remains 1729 and c. XVII
  • Hamlet Camporondo:
    Church of Saints Vincenzo and Anastasio - c. XVI/XVIII
  • Hamlet Lombardi o Trinità:
    Oratory of the Holy Trnity (SS.ma Trinità)
  • Hamlet Roncagli:
    • Parish church of Santa Maria Assunta and Santa Lucia - c. XVII
    • Bridge - 1611 on previous remains
Thanks to the Mayor of Diano San Pietro, dr. Franco Ugo, for these infos. Diano San Pietro is a place to relax, near to the beach (15 mins of bike) but far from noise. A lot of Northern Europe tourists come in Diano San Pietro for their holidays.

Who need to rest in Diano San Pietro can contact Pensione Giuliana, at the address giuliana@taggiasca.com.

Diano San Pietro farmers in taggiasca.com: Other pages about Diano San Pietro:
Pensione Giuliana - Diano San Pietro

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